Thinking about where to get your library degree?
Peter Scott posts about WISE, which stands for Web-based Information Science Education. A collaboration between 14 of America's North America's the world's (there's a school from New Zealand participating, which makes a pat coverage statement difficult!) top library schools, "the vision of this initiative
is to provide a collaborative, cost-effective distance education model
that will increase quality, access, and diversity of online education
opportunities in Library and Information Science."
More neat quotes from the website:
The program is focused on online course sharing, pedagogy, development and course evaluation. Access to administrative, pedagogical and technical support is an integral facet of the WISE program.
Students have the opportunity to access distance education courses through WISE member schools that have met quality bar in on-line education. WISE students have access to ten times the amount of special topics and electives as compared to non-WISE schools.
And that pretty much sums up what you can learn from the website. Not sure where your parchment will say your degree is from, nor whether that will be an ALA accredited degree, though I'd sure suspect so! Neat idea.