Gary Price has a great writup called Direct Links to Articles: Be It Resolved that Google Scholar is Now Open to More Libraries on Resource Shelf today. Really exciting stuff. In a nutshell, now any library with link resolver software can now ensure that links to their content will appear along with Google Scholar results.
Google Scholar is also extending the generation of OpenURL links beyond the initial scope of the pilot, which included OpenURLs only for items which had DOIs and PubMed IDs. Google Scholar will now offer OpenURL links also based on Journal Titles. This means more results will have links to your link resolver.
Gary mentions that on the results page, "The link will now found directly next to the title of the article or
book and in some cases made even more visible by appearing in a
different color than other parts of the result entry." I don't see this happening for U of C results, but we haven't yet given Google our specific holdings, which appears to be a new requirement.
I'm also noticing a fair bit of new content (dissertations and theses, and content from dSpace, for instance) that I hadn't noticed before in the results.
Something else Greg didn't point out is that Google is inviting folks to include a Google Scholar search box on their own pages. Not sure if this is working though - I entered the requested information and was returned to the same place after hitting the submit button...
Now I wish for world peace.