Another story picked up from LISNews; the announcement of "the world's biggest Open Access English Language Journals Portal - Open J-Gate. From the website, "Open J-Gate is the contribution of Informatics (India) Ltd to promote OAI. Open
J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available
online. Open J-Gate is also a database of journal literature, indexed from 3000+
open access journals, with links to full text at Publisher sites."
Initially I wasn't very impressed because the browse feature doesn't work in Firefox, but it does in IE, and the search feature works in both browsers. I had thought the search feature was only going to search journal titles, but it's actually searching the full text of all the articles in the database, so this is an excellent resource for distance students, especially those studying at institutions that don't have large collections of online resources. Looks like it supports some boolean searching. Citations have clickable keywords within, and all components of the citation are in fact clickable (journal name and author). Neat resource - check it out!
Technorati Tags: openaccess