A couple of months ago when Walt Crawford put out his Great Middle list of library blogs, I picked a few to watch in a separate folder before fully committing. One of the ones that graduated to my "real" subscription list is OPL Plus, the blog for librarians in one-person libraries, written by Judith Siess. I've found that she really does cover a lot of stuff I find interesting, even though I work in a big academic library.
Yesterday Judith posted about how much it costs to earn an MLIS through a distance program, based on 05/06 figures at the Become a Librarian website. Even if a little out of date, there's some interesting info there! Turns out I covered this site back in June (I thought it looked familiar!), but it's nice that Judith did the math for the total cost.
Technorati Tags: MLIS, MLS, Distance_Education, $$