Wow, that really sounds like spam, doesn't it! Hope I don't end up on blacklists for anyone receiving my posts via email...
Anyhoo, I don't know how to land such a choice gig, but Jon Udell has an interesting post about what goes on in his mind as he works through internet searches that are more complex than the average. It starts with a brief anecdote about a friend who, as part of tech support for a software company, basically charges $100/hour to search Google.
But that's not the point of the post. It's really interesting, as a librarian, to peek in on how Jon and his commenters modify their searches on the fly. He does pretty much what we do w/o thinking. But it's the fact that he's trying to break it down and think about why he's searching what he's searching that's interesting to me. In one example he's trying to glean information from an audio file where the person's name was unclear. In the comments is a classic reference question where only tiny bits of information are provided to the searcher.
Delicious seems to be down right now so I can't see exactly what he has in mind, but Jon plans to track his search thoughts there, and is asking for you to do the same. Interesting exploration.
Technorati Tags: Search, Strategies, Librarians