Starting next week I've got a new job, at least for the next 6 months. Our Public Services Systems librarian recently left for the warmer pastures of British Columbia, and rather than operate with a hole in a critical position we're filling the position on a 6-month interim basis with me. During that time we'll launch a proper search, and I should know if I want to compete for the position by then! I'll be responsible for all things web, and for making sure we have a good interface with the public on all our electronic products. I move up 2 floors in the building, but I don't think I really get much of a better view out the window. I'll certainly get a better view of how our electronic services are working for our staff and patrons, and I really look forward to learning more about that.
In the meantime we're going to see if anyone else in our organization wants to try out the DE position. I'll be sure to let y'all know next year if my position actually becomes available :-) I see no reason to really change the focus of the blog, though I do hope to be learning about some more technical things and may lean a bit more that way (sorry Shauna). That said, I'm told I need to always remember the public part of the job title, so translating stuff from the technical to the everyday should remain a big part of this.