In no particular order...
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In no particular order...
Back channel for Paul and Chad's presentation at Internet Librarian 2007: Tech Tools for Library Outreach. If you've got wireless and are in the room, feel free to chat amongst yourselves or provide us with live feedback during our presentation. Can't promise we'll be able to respond, but we'll try!
Posted at 12:41 PM in Scholarship | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Tags: IL2007, Meebo
I suppose some from other countries might be interested as well, but Laura Murray's book, Canadian copyright, a citizen's guide, is about to or has just been released. No reviews yet, but I've followed her writing at (now a blog with an RSS feed - yay!) for some time and am really looking forward to the book - already on order for our library.
Technorati Tags: copyright
Posted at 10:39 AM in Books | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Learned from Tom Boone at Library Laws that there's a new cross-platform IM client out called InstantBird, "based on Mozilla technologies and Pidgin". And it's open source. It's pretty spartan right now being on its first release, but worked right out of the box for me. Just enter your account details in the account wizard, and for Google Talk, use XMPP protocol and fill the username with your Google Mail e-mail address like this: "[email protected]/instantbird". Then type "" in the entry "Connect server".
Right now I don't see any indication that someone on the other end is typing, and I don't seem to be able to edit the names of the people in my contact list, and I can't minimize to the clock tray, so it takes up space in my taskbar. But it does connect to AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk and many others I don't use, like MySpaceIM, GroupWise, IRC, Gadu-Gadu, etc.
Oh, and get this - Windows, OSX 10.4+ and Linux (2.2.14+)! I've only installed it on the Windows machine so far...
Posted at 01:32 PM in Electronic Reference, Web/Tech | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
As reported in the Chronicle, the Sloan Consortium has just released a report titled Online Nation: Five Years of Growth in Online Learning. The study addresses the following questions: How Many Students are Learning Online? Where has the Growth in Online Learning Occurred? Why do Institutions Provide Online Offerings? What are the Prospects for Future Online Enrollment Growth? and What are the Barriers to Widespread Adoption of Online Education?
No mention of libraries in the report.
Posted at 12:54 PM in Miscellaneous | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Abstract: In an online world of small pieces loosely joined, librarians are among the most well qualified and highly motivated joiners of those pieces. Library patrons, meanwhile, are in transition. Once mainly consumers of information, they are now, on the two-way web, becoming producers too. Can libraries function not only as centers of consumption, but also as centers of production?
Jon Udell posts the text of a talk he gave at the Global Research Library conference earlier this month. It's not too long, and it'll make you think.
Posted at 01:40 PM in Ideas | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
I've had this one sitting in my to-read for too long - time to pass it on - E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship v8 no2 includes a couple of interesting-sounding articles -
Reaching Students with Facebook: Data and Best Practices and Reaching Out to Off-Campus Students via BlackboardTM: A Consortial Library’s Experience.
Posted at 09:09 AM in Ideas, Scholarship | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Sarah points out that the presentations from the 2007 Virtual Reference Symposium are now available. Lots of stuff on the big fee services, and on IM as well.
Technorati Tags: IM, VR
Posted at 03:41 PM | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Yet another reason to use Firefox - Aaron just pointed out that there's a new plug-in for Firefox and Meebo that will really help with the alerts - you still have to have Meebo open in a tab, or a sidebar, but you no longer have to have that tab in the foreground for fear of missing an incoming chat request - now you can get an alert box and a blinking browser window. Just installed it and we'll see how it goes.
Technorati Tags: Meebo, Firefox
Posted at 03:21 PM in Electronic Reference, Web/Tech | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Meredith Farkas has a lengthy post discussing the problems of distance education programs not supporting their students adequately, or possibly just not informing them of the resources available to them, and the burden those students sometimes place on their local public libraries. Some good comments starting to pile up already.
Posted at 03:10 PM in Ideas, Service | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
David Walker at Cal State has a really compelling presentation on why they've modified their SFX menu to look the way it does. It's a 20-minute Captivate presentation. If you look after SFX at your school, you really should give this a look.
(thanks for the tip, Jennifer)
Posted at 10:14 AM in Ideas, Linking, Service, Tutorials | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
A colleague passed along the following links you may also find of interest:
(Thanks for the info, Saundra)
Technorati Tags: Dissertations, ProQuest
Posted at 01:43 PM in Books, Document Delivery, Ideas, Linking, Scholarship | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
I mentioned at the beginning of the month that Camtasia Studio 5 was being released, and also that because I'm still on Win2K at the office I hadn't had a chance to play with it. Still true, but Michael Pick at Web TV Wire has a very comprehensive overview and review of the screencasting product, including some links to additional reviews all the way down at the bottom. Definitely worth a read if you're in the market for a screencasting tool.
Technorati Tags: Screencasting, Camtasia
Posted at 01:23 PM in Tutorials | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
So I've recently noticed that our Meebo Widgets are not correctly showing our status for our reference service; they almost always display that we're offline even when we're logged in. Looks from the support forums like we're not the only ones, and it's frustrating that nobody from Meebo is chiming in to offer a solution. Jocelyn, a librarian from Arizona Western, does suggest that if you enter your meebo room (first contact on your list), then the widgets may display your status correctly. Worth a try - I was unable to even connect to our Room when I tried it at the end of my shift yesterday...
Anybody else having this problem, or found a solution?
Technorati Tags: Meebo
Posted at 08:30 AM in Electronic Reference | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Noticed a really nice Flash tutorial from Eastern Washington University was chosen as the September 2007 PRIMO Site of the Month - Citing Your Sources: APA and MLA Citation Styles. After learning about citation styles, users have the chance to click and drag various parts of the citation into the correct order, and then check their answers. Also learned from the interview on the PRIMO site that APA has finally come out with something new addressing the citation of electronic sources: APA Style Guide to Electronic References. It's only available as a PDF, but site licenses are available.
Posted at 08:17 AM in Books, Tutorials | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)