The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) E-learning Research and Development Grant is designed to support research and the development by librarians actively involved in the development and delivery of e-learning.
Two grants of $1,000 are awarded annually, when merited, primarily to members of CARL libraries.
The objectives of the grant are:
- to support research and development in the field of e-learning and libraries
- to encourage and support research and development undertaken by practitioners in the field of e-learning and libraries
- to promote research and development in the field of e-learning and libraries by and/or about Canadians
Criteria for EvaluationProposals for funding are judged on:
1. originality or importance of research or development;
2. relevance of the project to the goals and objectives of the Canadian Association of Research libraries;
3. cost-effectiveness of research in terms of the expected influence and ramifications of the results (pertaining to research or development only);
4. timeliness of the research (primarily for research or development) must be less than two years;
5. appropriateness of the proposed research method and development process;
6. comprehensiveness of application;
7. proof of effective management and control of the project;
8. indication of other funding sources to match the $1,000 CARL grant resulting in a $2,000 research or development project.
Preference will be given to submissions from practitioners in CARL libraries. However, years in which no suitable applications from practitioners are received, applications of suitable quality and content from other sources will be considered.
Submission of ProposalsProposals should be submitted via e-mail as a Word document. The proposal should be in the form of a letter which explicitly addresses the criteria for evaluation listed above and also containing:
- name and address of applicant, mailing address and date of application;
- a reasonable description of the research or development project identifying methodology and development process;
- duration of the project, including a detailed project timetable;
- assessment of the potential utility of research results to the Canadian research library community;
- detailed assessment of costs and statement of other grants/awards received;
- a current Curriculum Vitae
Conditions of the Grant:- the grant must be acknowledged in any promotional activity relating to the research or development accomplished through the CARL E-learning Research & Development Grant
- a report will be filed with the Canadian Association of Research Libraries within two months of the completion of the project or two years after receiving the grant, whichever is the shorter time period.
DeadlineProposals should be submitted via email by
midnight June 15 annually. Submissions by fax or post will not be accepted.
All proposals should be emailed to:
[email protected]Subject Line: CARL E-learning Research & Development Grant
c/o Brent Roe, Executive Director