You are invited to submit a chapter for a new publication on using
emerging technologies in distance education. Details and submission
guidelines are below.
"Using Emerging Technologies in Distance Education"
- edited by George Veletsianos
Part of the "Issues in Distance Education" series
- edited by Terry Anderson
- planned publication online and in paper format by Athabasca University Press as an Open Access publication
Emerging technologies - such as virtual worlds, serious games, wikis,
and social networking sites - have been heralded as technologies that
are powerful enough to transform learning and teaching. Nevertheless,
minimal work has investigated the affordances of such tools in the
context of distance education. Most often, the literature presents a
description of such technologies along with classroom integration
ideas, presenting an incomplete picture of how such technologies are
used in distance education. In particular, the goal of this book is to
amalgamate work in the use of emerging technologies to design, enhance
and deliver distance education. Researchers and practitioners
interested in the above issues reside in varied academic domains,
rendering the sharing and dissemination of their work a formidable
task. Via this book, we hope to harness dispersed knowledge and
multidisciplinary perspectives. The target audience is both members of
research communities and innovative distance education practitioners.
The book will be limited to the use of emerging technologies for
distance education. Recommended emerging technologies of interest for
the book include, but are not limited, to:
- Blogs
- Microblogging platforms
- Wikis and Wikibooks
- Social Networking Sites
- Virtual worlds
- Video games
- Cell/mobile phones and devices
- Virtual characters, Avatars, and Pedagogical Agents
- Web 2.0 and data mashups
- Pod and video casts
- Online grassroots video
- Open Educational Resources and Open Access Technologies
- Pod usage production models
Invited Submissions
The book will consist of chapters (5000-8000 words) showcasing best
practices, illustrating and analyzing how emerging technologies have
been used in diverse distance learning and teaching areas. Via such
work, it is expected that each chapter will contribute a list of ideas
and factors that need to be considered when emerging technologies are
adopted for distance teaching and learning. Equally important,
contributing authors should highlight the pedagogical, organizational,
cultural, social, economic, or political factors that influence the
adoption and success/failure of emerging technologies.
This book is intended to be used as a one stop locale for work relating
to the use of emerging technologies in distance education. As such, it
is expected to be relevant to researchers, practitioners, and students.
Importantly, due to the fact that interested parties reside in multiple
disciplines and academic departments, chapters should be accessible to
a broad audience.
Submission Procedure
By September 1, 2008
Submit a 1-2 page chapter proposal summarizing the intended submission.
Papers should be submitted via email to: George Veletsianos at [email protected]
October 1, 2008
Author notification along with chapter guidelines
December 1, 2008
Full chapters are due.
All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.
Expected Publication date is late 2009.