Saw a mention of AideRSS go by on Twitter the other day, and just tried it out. The idea is great - give
AideRSS a blog URL and it purports to sift through all the posts and then offer separate feeds to you so you can subscribe to only the "best post" the "great", "good" or all the posts (the naked feed, if you will). Supposedly it's a way to deal with overload, by only getting the best of the posts from the bloggers you want to follow. Sounds great, right?
Maybe, but IMHO they've got some work to do on their algorithms. With someting like this I like to compare myself to someone I know is a "better" blogger. In this case I picked Meredith at Information Wants to be Free. Yeah, we blog differently, but AideRSS appears to place a lot of weight on how many links and how much of a conversation a given blog post has. In that case Meredith definitely blows me away. And yet, here are the screenshots of her blog and mine. Take a look at the highlighted sections. Any rhyme or reason there? Look how many posts, saves and comments her posts have, and she doesn't even get a "best posts" category! Maybe they're placing way more weight on # of recent posts than they should? (click for bigger versions)
By all means go give it a try - maybe it'll be useful to you.