Just received the following in my email:
Dear Customers,
We are very excited to announce that in just a few months, EBSCOhost Integrated Search will be made available. We are confident that you will find this to be the true one-stop research environment that has thus far eluded the library world.
Until now federated search products have struggled to offer the kind of unified search experience that users want. Our research shows that many customers who are using federated search products are unhappy with four essential components:
1.) Search Quality
2.) Search Speed
3.) Customer Service
4.) Cost
Because the recently revitalized EBSCOhost interface is the essence of EBSCOhost Integrated Search, it leverages the EBSCOhost features and functionality that you know, eliminates unnecessary end-user confusion (and training), offers a single point for all usage reports, gives fast response times, and provides a cost effective search solution. EBSCOhost Integrated Search allows librarians to use the power of EBSCOhost to search not only all of their EBSCO products, but also ALL other electronic resources including those from other database aggregators, OPACs, publisher packages, and virtually any other electronic resource.
EBSCO will not charge for EBSCOhost databases to be included in this service, and as a result, the number of connectors will be reduced when pricing. Due to this, customers of multiple EBSCOhost databases may find the service to be affordable relative to other options.
EBSCOhost Integrated Search is coming soon. So, if you are looking to change, renew or just considering your first federated search product…please wait. You’ll be glad you did.
If you would like to see the initial designs, receive pricing, and/or obtain more information, please contact us at: [email protected].
Could be interesting...