Aaron Schmidt blogs that the DC Public Library iPhone app is now available for download. So I downloaded it and gave it a quick run through. No bells and whistles, but it gets the job done. Seems to only allow keyword searching at the moment - can't search by author, etc. You can place holds though, which is great. I would love to have something like this for the Calgary Public Library, and hope to take a stab at developing something similar over the summer for the UofC.
Nice work Aaron! (and way to sneak the bike onto the labs page).
Here's a series of screenshots showing what's available. I wonder if the interface sets a limit on searches though, as when I went back in to grab a shot of the holds page I kept getting a "no results" message even on searches I had previously run.
Near as I can tell from the iTunes store, this is the first library application available. Oh, and now I see Aaron's confirmed that on his personal blog as well.