Ha! My Google rank's going to go up with a headline like that! Dave Pattern of the University of Huddersfield recently launched a new library blog-monitoring tool called HotStuff 2.0. HotStuff 2.0 monitors the RSS feeds of over 800 library related blogs, and analyzes the content
in an attempt to discover new and/or interesting topics... a daily blog post is generated using a single word that has seen a marked increase in usage over the last few days. A “Word Wheel” image shows the strength of the links between that word and other words that have also recently seen an increase in usage. This can sometimes help to put to the words into context, but mostly it’s just an excuse for some eye candy!
Just for fun, every day the last 3 blog posts from each blog are analysed to give a “Hot or Not” score. Points are gained for using words that haven’t been used frequently in the past, but lost for using words that are declining in popularity. You can see the current scores on the Hot or Not page!
Some fun and interesting stuff to be found by poking around. Today's word of the day is "stewardship":