My brother-in-law is a long-time Windows user. He and his wife have several iPods, so he appreciates some Apple design, but he's now much less likely to ever consider purchasing any other Apple product thanks to a couple of really crappy experiences he had this week at our local Market Mall Apple Store. Here's his story, with a few sanitizations, as told to a number of friends and family via email.
Day One:
A while back, I heard from someone that you could make an appointment at the Apple Store, what a great idea.
So, today I was in the area of an Apple Store I decided to “drop-in” to address an issue with my wife’s iPod. What I did not know what that the Apple Store had become such elitist b*st#rds that they do not accept drop-in’s. I was made aware of this by a 65 year old sales person who took great pride in delivering, with a smug look, this information to me – handing me a card where I could go book an appointment. Unfortunately when I left, I forgot to ask her if I need to go to the doctors to get a note for a specialist as I might need one to fix the problem.
Great customer server – heaven forbid you want to drop-in and buy something from those elitist b*st#rds.
A not so frustrated PC user.
The Next Day:
Hi Guys,
I arrived at the Apple store last night for my 5:00 appointment at about 5:05. I met a lady and I told her I had an appointment. She went onto the computer (or do these smug people call them Mac’s, I don’t know these days) and she stumble through the reservation system. Unable to find me, she called her colleague over. The young bright wiper snapper was able to find me in the system where the snot nosed little s*** had the audacity to mark me as late – right in from of me!

Then, the two of them scurried off like I had the Swine Flu only to have the now brilliant little s*** return to inform me that I had booked the wrong type of reservation. I had booked a “Personal Shopping” reservation instead of a “Genius Bar” reservation.
Now you geniuses among us tell me, how the hell is a happy Windows user EVER going to figure out that “Genius Bar” equates to “Technical Support”?
Now my wife is having to deal with the arrogant pr***s as I refuse to set foot in their store again!!!!
And they wonder why they have not penetrated the world market in greater numbers.
A still satisfied Windows User.
In response to a family member who wondered why he didn't complain, "The problem is I tried to complain last night, but I need an APPOINTMENT to talk with the manager!!!"
Really sad to hear about this. Personally, I go to WestWorld Computers, where I've always gotten excellent service.
Shame on you, Market Mall Apple Store!
January 2010 update: despite the service failure, since this post my brother-in-law has acquired both an iPhone and a 27" iMac. Take from that what you will :-)