A couple of years ago the U of Calgary was among the first to embed an IM chat widget within its OPAC. What I've really wanted to do since then was also embed it within the bibliographic databases, where students spend even more time. I tried a couple of times with ezproxy's search and replace feature, but never got very far.
A couple of weeks ago we had a visit by our EBSCO rep, and on one of the slides he pointed out that they now allow just this feature! You can see some examples of embedded widgets at http://support.epnet.com/eds/widgets.html
I found the instructions on where to stick this code a little lacking, so here's a little more info. Within the EBSCO Admin interface you want to be on the "Viewing Results" tab,
and then scroll down towards the bottom and choose to Modify the Additional Resources section.
Once in there, you want to Add an Item, and then switch to the Custom HTML radio button. Then simply enter your embed code in the HTML box. I found that the optimal dimensions seem to be 175 pixels wide by 280 high, if you've entered 300 in that middle box (click for full size):
And the end result, depending on how many columns you have set for your EBSCO display, will put the chat widget in the lower right corner of your results pages:
I'll probably play with the skin of our Library H3lp widget in order to get that "UofC Library" to appear all on one line, but otherwise it's good to go. Eventually I'll start to explore our other databases again to see if ProQuest or others will allow this.