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Posted at 09:56 PM in Electronic Reference | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
I haven't tried this, but Techsmith's Visual Lounge has a post about optimizing your recording and editing settings for optimum screencast playback on an iPad. Remember, iPads and iPhones won't play Flash (though they will play files hosted at YouTube). I'll repeat Betsy's question - anyone out there recording screencasts specifically for the iPad?
Posted at 12:39 PM in Tutorials | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
David's got a couple of posts that are relevant for screencasters: 5 Mic Tips for Presenters and Three Nice Microphones. I use the Samson myself.
Posted at 01:04 PM in Random Tech Tips, Tutorials | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Hmm, first my dad calls me out on multitasking, and then within 10 minutes of reading his link to the review of Hamlet's BlackBerry I see a tweet to this older article in the NYT: Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price. I'm sure my wife and kids would easily identify with the family in the NYT article :-/ Maybe I'll try a Sunday moratorium to see if/how family life changes.
In the meantime, I'm now torn as to whether I should buy and download an ebook version of Hamlet's BlackBerry, wait for my public library's copy to come in, or just read the scholarly paper upon which the book is based.
Posted at 10:42 AM | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
After teasing you about the Kobo several months ago, one actually did show up in my house; my wife bought one a month or so ago, and really likes it. I've compared it to reading on an iPad (which I don't own either), and find the Kobo a much better form factor for what it's doing. The iPad is just too heavy for me to want to read with it. I'll wait until the iPad is lighter before getting one. Don't care at all for the flicker of e-ink though.
Anyhoo, here are some other, more in-depth reviews of the Kobo and other eReaders:
Posted at 03:35 PM in Books, m-libraries | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
The current issue of The Charleston Advisor 12(1), July 2010 includes a 6-page comparative review of three of the big names in Web-scale discovery; Summon, EBSCO Discovery Service and WorldCat Local. It provides a nice overview of each service, and compares them on similar points. Check out the full article for all the details, but the final composite score for each gives Summon 3 5/8 stars, EDS 3 1/2 stars, and WorldCat Local 3 1/8 stars.
Also in the current issue is a letter to the editor from Tim Collins, President of EBSCO Publishing in which he responds to the Interview About Summon with Jane Burke, Vice President of Serials Solutions in the previous issue. Sadly, that interview is not freely available.
Posted at 01:38 PM in Discovery, Scholarship | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
EBSCO just put out a press release (PDF) announcing that "institutions subscribing to both EDS and Web of Science may conduct their search via the single search box of EBSCO Discovery Service, access the valuable content in Web of Science within the results and be able to link over to the full Web of Science record."
Neat stuff, I'm sure. Pretty sure Summon is working towards a similar agreement as well.
Posted at 03:27 PM in Discovery, Linking | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)
Hey, it's the rare and elusive Personal-type post! Yes, my Summer vacation has already come and gone; just got back from a two-week road trip with the family, and thought I'd share some product highlights I you might enjoy.
Those are the highlights as far as you're concerned, hope there's something useful for you there. Back to laundry and unpacking for me!
Posted at 07:29 PM in Ideas, Miscellaneous | Permalink | 0 Comments | TrackBack (0)