Yes, it's another review, but while this is another O'Reilly imprint, I got a review copy of this just for asking. I also mentioned that I'd compare Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred to the Instructables book I just reviewed.
This title only has 24 projects, but they're much more detailed, with pictures for almost each step along the way. While some also require soldering and some electronics knowledge, the fact that this book is geared towards kid-friendly projects necessitates that the soldering and electronics are at a much more basic level. My level :-) It also includes a chapter on these topics, introducing the reader to the basics of capacitors and diodes and circuits. With the information contained there, I feel qualified to tackle all of the projects within.
I left the book in my 8-year-old son's room one night and the next morning he informed me that we were going to build a ticklebox:
Personally, I think we'll be starting with the pop can flyer - only a can opener, utility knife and a pop can needed, and nobody gets hurt :-)
If you've got kids in the 6-14 year-old range, and want to make some cool things, I'm going to recommend this book for you. If you don't have kids, but want to make some cool things, and aren't already a soldering or electronics whiz, then I'm also going to recommend it. If you already subscribe to Make Magazine, skip it. If you wanted to buy a paper copy of either this or the Instructables book, I think I'd lean towards this one.