Ahhhhh, that's so much better. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but Firefox, my old standby, has slowly become, well, slow. It's no longer my default browser, but it's always had a couple of features I've missed. The biggest one was Firefox's ability to search through the text of a page w/o having to invoke the ctrl-F command (if you're not currently using this goodness, it's a setting under the Advanced Tab, General, - "Search for text when I start typing")
But Safari on the Mac wouldn't help me with this time-saving feature. That is, until I found Glims! It does way more than I need it to, but here's a list of the current features. I've highlighted the ones I've found particularly useful:
- Adds thumbnails to Google.com search results
- Adds thumbnails to Yahoo.com search results
- Adds search engines to the default Google search tab
- Adds full-screen browsing capability
- Adds Favicons to tab labels
- Adds keyword search from address bar
- Undo "Close Tab" (cmd-z)
- Re-opens last session when Safari starts
- Auto-Closes download window
- Adds new tab position option (right/left/leftmost/rightmost)
- Adds tab closing using middle mouse button
- Focus last selected tab
- Always open links in a new tab
- Type-ahead support (auto cmd-f)
- Sets the focus on the search field when opening a new window
- Adds Amazon's information banner on Google.com search results
- Adds Amazon's information banner on Yahoo.com search results
- Adds a "Max Window Size" menu item to resize the Safari window
- Forms autocomplete always on
- Autocomplete search phrase
- Adds bookmark separator
- Adds bookmark actions
- Dated download folders
I've only been using it for a week, so it's likely I just haven't run across some of the other features in my daily use yet.
It did take me a few minutes of searching to find the preferences pane for this program though, so here's your tip - it's not an add-on, so you'll find it in the general preferences pane for Safari:
Hope someone else out there finds it as useful as I have been!