I'm here in New Orleans for another night, finishing up a visit to ALA. I was here primarily to participate on the Summon Advisory Board, but also spent today in the exhibits hall. If you're reading this in time to take advantage, here are a couple booths you should hit while here, depending of course on what you're looking for :-)
- Overlooked Books, booth 457. Looks like you'll have to create a free account on their site to follow these links, but they had some wonderfully irreverent titles available at their booth, but I ended up getting some T-shirts and 2 Walter the Farting Dog stuffed toys for the kids. Yes, they do. Lots of fun stuff at their Librarian Gift Store.
- Archaia Entertainment, booth 1654 - If you're in to graphic novels, they're practically giving them away with a buy 2, get 3 free deal. Definitely not for everyone, but I was able to find stuff for every member of the family.
More generally, I was very impressed with what I saw of Springshare's new Mobile Site Builder and LibAnalytics modules. Yes, I know I can do both of those things myself, or with open source tools, but damn they make it easy and affordable. So much less hassle just to use their tools. Mango Languages just released an iOS app, which is the full content from the website. A no-brainer if you subscribe to their service already. There was one other vendor that I wanted to post something about, but it's completely slipped my mind. :-(
So I guess with that I'll just leave you with this NSFW summary of the weather here over the past few days: