Over at Library Voice, Chad Boeninger pops out of hibernation with an excellent post titled How I make instructional library web videos and screencasts and how you can too. In this post Chad distills his six years of experience with screencasting by answering the following questions:
- Why Web Video?
- What type of content?
- How much time does it take?
- How much time is saved?
- How long should my videos be?
- Script or no script?
- Which software for screencasting?
- How do I record my voice?
- Where do you record your videos?
- Which resolution?
- Why and How do you add the video of yourself in the videos?
- To edit or not?
- How do I know when my video is done?
- Where should I upload?
- But you don’t use just use YouTube, do you?
- How do I promote my videos?
- What else should I know?
Yes, it's a long post :-)