Call for Proposals: Book chapters on scholarly communication and information literacy
Title: Extend and Unify: Outreach and Education for Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy Programs
Book editors: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Scholarly Communication Librarian at Illinois Wesleyan University and Merinda Kaye Hensley, Instructional Services Librarian/Coordinator, Scholarly Commons at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Estimated publication date: ALA 2013 Midwinter Conference
Publisher: Association of College and Research Libraries.This book will be published in print, available for purchase in various e-book formats, and available as a free downloadable book.
Editors of the forthcoming ACRL publications book, Extend and Unify: Outreach and Education for Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy Programs, seek proposals for chapters from skilled librarians or
others involved in education around scholarly communication issues who have researched strategies and/or implemented programs on the intersections between scholarly communication (SC) issues and information literacy (IL). This book aims to create a roadmap for librarians to integrate scholarly communication and information literacy programs through instruction, outreach and other educative opportunities. Written for practicing librarians who wish to build a toolkit for integrating scholarly communication issues into information literacy and vice versa, this book will provide essays, case studies, best practices, lesson plans and outlines, and other material for building collaboration and promoting discussion on scholarly communication issues in libraries and in the academy.
Potential topics include:
- teaching strategies for addressing scholarly communication issues by population - undergraduates, graduate students, staff, administration, faculty as well as by academic discipline
- examples of instruction and outreach through embedded librarianship and reference work
- case studies detailing SC/IL program alignment, collaboration, partnerships between SC and IL librarians, student publishing, campus or discipline-specific research conferences
- classroom-based, curricular integration for undergrads or graduate students which could include IL session outlines, lesson plans, outreach examples
- essays focusing on educating students, faculty and/or staff, possibly by discipline, on specific issues e.g., author rights, copyright/Creative Commons, OA/public access or specific types of scholarly or creative work, e.g., data, images, performances, music, multimedia, etc.
- addressing perspectives of faculty, staff, administration including buy-in, engagement, conversational openings, and educational programs
- assessment of SC/IL programming and outreach efforts
Please note: We are looking for diverse perspectives on these issues across types of higher education institutions including community colleges, liberal arts colleges/universities, ARL institutions, etc.
Target audience: The target audience for this publication is both librarians who are responsible for instruction, information literacy, and/or scholarly communication; liaison librarians and/or bibliographers who are responsible for outreach and education of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff in any discipline, and program coordinators for both SC and IL.
Submission procedure and timeline: Authors are invited to submit proposal by March 2, 2012. Proposals should include author name(s), institutional affiliation, proposed chapter title, 2-page summary of proposed chapter and a current CV. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by April 2, 2012. Full chapters (4,000+ words) are expected to be submitted by June 30, 2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a blind review basis. Chapters should be unique to this publication - no previously published or simultaneously submitted material should be included. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
All inquiries and proposals should be emailed by March 2, 2012 to [email protected].
Stephanie Davis-Kahl
Illinois Wesleyan University
Merinda Kaye Hensley
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign