Well, it was a good run while it lasted, but LogMeIn Free is going away by the end of this month :-( I've been using and recommending this wonderful product since 2007 to remotely access my home iMac from work, and my work machine from home. I've also used it on occasion to provide remote assistance to my in-laws. Bought the Ignition iPad app as well for $20, my most expensive app purchase ever! That app seems to have disappeared from the iTunes store, but there's a new version for free that offers in-app purchases for yearly subscriptions at $65(CDN) per year.
The new Pro pricing isn't too bad, but the FAQ says purchasers of the Ignition app will receive some sort of preferential pricing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be very attractive, as it's a great product and I wouldn't mind sticking with them.
That said, we're using the business version of TeamViewer here in the library, and they offer a free personal version as well, so check that out if you need to stay free! Or look at some of the VNC options, but I've always appreciated how drop-dead-simple LogMeIn is.
I also can't quite tell how LogMeIn Central differs from Pro, and since they say there's still a free version of Central I'll be checking that out as well.