My colleague Christie pointed me to this interesting bit of research, Survey of scholarly communication tool usage. I'm pretty sure I didn't contribute to the original survey, but over 20,000 scholars did! The survey was run by two librarians from Utrecht University Library, Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman. I've only started to poke at the data, but I'm so very impressed at how much of the data they've made available for exploration, and the tools they've used to help visualize the data:
The data are available in various ways:
- DATA: The full dataset of the Innovations in Scholarly Communication Survey with raw (anonymized) and cleaned data files, a list of variables and the original survey questionnaire is available through Zenodo.
- DASHBOARD: An interactive Silk dashboard is available to allow easy filtering and comparisons.
- DESCRIPTION: Description of the dataset is in a Data Note publication on F1000 Research.
- SCRIPT SHARING: We are still working to facilitate shared analysis through a platform for script sharing and execution. This is most useful for those who want to do their own research.
Here are some results to whet your appetite:
How do Librarians in the US get alerts / recommendations?
The "Others":
What about Librarians in the UK, any difference?
The "Others":
Definitely worth poking around - find out what the researchers in the disciplines you support are using to search, access, alert, read, analyze, share, write, manage references, archive, and publish!