I received an email touting:
Exact Editions is providing access to a digital collection of non-fiction books related to the history and culture of Ukraine in support of the Ukrainian people during these difficult times.
The collection currently contains 18 books from Yale University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Reaktion, Hurst, Central European University Press, Cambridge Scholars Publishing and Open Book Publishers. The books are written by specialists in European history, Russian studies, political science, Islamic history, art and film.
You can access the collection at https://ocean.exacteditions.com/magazines?rc=c63e19f7-da07-46fb-a26b-16ca683f6659
Once there, you'll see obvious links to buy the books, but you can, in fact, click the cover, and then use the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to scroll through each title. Downloading doesn't appear to be an option.
No idea on the quality of these titles, but still nice to have if you want to do some quick reading!